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Jacksonville Electrician Logs

Log #030370

Date: June 19, 2019
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Electrician Notes

Troubleshot GFI in kitchen, found faulty device. Changed GFI & hot checked circuit. Everything is hot and GFI protected as it should be. Took panel cover off and made sure everything looked good and tight.

Electrical Services

Troubleshoot and Repair: Troubleshooting and repairs. Learn more about Troubleshoot and Repair

Circuit Breaker Panel Upgrades: Changing or upgrading your electrical panel is one of the most important jobs when it comes to the safety and security of your home. With the growth of electronic devices, the power demands of any home have never been greater. Plus, as more people are renovating older homes, more and more companies are popping up to take advantage of the market. Learn more about Circuit Breaker Panel Upgrades